Conspire to inspire: Paulo Coelho

Author Paulo Coelho doesn’t need any introduction, his books continue to inspire millions of people worldwide, for he believes “dreams can be manipulated”. Widely known for his book ‘The Alchemist’, Paulo Coelho, the septuagenarian author from Brazil still believes that ‘The Whole Universe Conspires to Help You’. In an email conversation with the author Paulo Coelho, Nitika Bajpayee Jha discovers how one can ‘try life by yourself’. Excerpts form the interview….

1. Your books are mostly about a quest to follow your dreams, but also talk about manipulating them. To what extent do you personally believe dreams can be manipulated?
I wanted to explore how dreams can be manipulated and how people get shattered in the process. I’m not condemning vanity – since all under the sun is vanity as Solomon said. What I am interested in is in how people allow themselves to be dispossessed of themselves.

2. In the modern new age society, there are collective standards that are completely anonymous and yet many people do try to subscribe to them. Some believe their happiness is conditioned by money, fame, beauty and so on. How do you think that happens?

You should make the difference between the price you pay for your dreams and the price you pay for your illusions. The ‘currency’, if you wish, is always the same : Your Soul. In the first case, you bet on doing something that brings enthusiasm to your soul – despite other people’s opinions. The price you are paying in this case is the price of your freedom – which is high but ultimately worth it. In the other case, you crave for something that hasn’t sprung from your deep-rooted convictions. You choose to follow the road that all abide to – the road either of financial security or the road of social excesses. Either way, these “sought after” avenues lead nowhere because they were built on cravings that are dictated by the industry.

3 Do you really think there is a mantra to be normal?

Yes, there is a mantra – ‘cultivate your difference throughout your life’.

4. What inspires you to remain so prolific?

I believe that the need to keep on understanding myself and questioning the world is what motivates me the most. It’s only by living intensively that I’m able to gather enough experiences, emotions, that later on guide me when I decide to write.
For me being alive – meaning being able to meet people and travel – is what brings me joy. It’s only by living intensively that I’m able to gather enough experiences, emotions, that later on guide me when I decide to write.

5. How have ageing and other life experiences informed your writing and creative process?

When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. A week is more than enough time for us to decide whether or not to accept our destiny.

6. Do you see the world differently over time; and how has that changing perspective found expression in your books?
I’ve never seen myself as someone giving away mantras for making other people lives more satisfying. I’m not responsible for others. Freedom is exactly that – people making their decisions by themselves, not giving it away for a “guru” to answer and decide for them.
I think the best advice is always to not follow advices. Try life by yourself. I’m just a man that has gone in the direction of his personal legend, taking risks and learning daily from all around me.

7. Please share with us any defining moment of your life that can inspire others.
All moments are defining as long as you enable them to be.

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Photo credit: Harper Collins India, Paulo Coelho Blog, Spotify, Amazon

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